kwaliteit van ons oppervlakte-, grond- en afvalwater

Water analysis

Water analysis

Water is a fundamental element for the life of organisms and for all man’s activities. Current legislation specifies the chemical, physical and biological characteristics to abide by according to the final purpose of water: Mérieux NutriSciences performs water analysis to ensure the quality of surface, underground and waste water in full compliance of global standards.

Our specialized laboratories perform microbiological analyses to detect all potentially harmful bacteria and chemical analyses to determine radioactivity, contaminants and residues, including heavy metals, PCBs and dioxin; they also perform specific analyses to detect Legionella pneumophila and thus manage the risk of Legionellosis.
The inspections on water quality are required to guarantee the safety of water in public bathing areas and spas,and the safety of water for agricultural uses (such as irrigation of crops), and water used in industrial processes or urban and industrial effluents.

The monitoring includes the analysis of potable, waste and process water, as well as cooling towers. Preventive measures are established in order to limit contamination, avoid the development of bacteria in critical environment and monitor the levels of specific contaminants as the Pseudomonas.

Mérieux NutriSciences supports customers in actively manage these risks through the implementation of a water safety plan including the maintenance of the equipment, the monitoring plans, and samples collection and analysis.

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